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Car Drop-Off & Pick-Up

Car & Bus Map

First page of the PDF file: WESCarBusMap

Walker & Bike Rider Map

First page of the PDF file: WESWalkersBikeRidersMap_2

Arrival & Dismissal

School Hours: 8:45 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.

Safety is of vital importance to all staff members. Staff are trained and required to supervise arrival and dismissal. Children and parents are expected to follow their instructions. Our goal is to ensure the safety of everyone. Parents need to establish a regular after school routine where their child will go (bus, car, latchkey, bike….) and communicate that to the teacher. Consistency is important. If a change of that normal schedule occurs, you must call the office. Simply notifying the teacher will not always get your child to the correct place. Changes should be made prior to 3:00. If we do not have parent notification of a change, students will be dismissed in the normal manner.

Arrival (Drop & Go System): 8:35 a.m.

Students should not arrive at school before the specified time. If you find it necessary for your child to arrive at school before the specified time, please drop him/her off at the east door no earlier than 8:30 at which time a supervisor is on duty. Students remain in cars until 8:30. Parents should not exit their vehicle during drop off. You cannot park and walk across to drop off. Students arriving at school by bus will be delivered to the South (Exit A) doors of the building and go straight to class. Students walking should go to the east side and should not arrive before 8:30.

Students being brought to school by car:

  1. Have your child ready to exit (curb side only) immediately (after 8:30) onto the sidewalk.
  2. Enter the pick up line from Flutter Dr. (This is a one-way entrance-only drive.)
  3. Drive forward as far as possible and have your child exit immediately.

Dismissal (Drop & Go System): 3:45 p.m.

All bus students will depart doors on the South (Exit A) side of the building.

Students being picked up by their parents by car will exit on the east (Exit H) side of the building. Car Pick Up MUST HAVE the child’s last name on a paper on the dash. You cannot park and walk across to pick up. ALL cars must pick up by entering the car line by doing the following:

  1. Enter the pick up line from Flutter Dr. (This is a one-way entrance-only drive.) 
  2. Have your child’s last name clearly visible on the dash until they enter the car. 
  3. Drive forward as far as possible and wait for your child. Do not exit the car. Have your child enter on the curb side only. 
  4. Parents should not exit their vehicle during drop off.

*Students walking home will exit through the east doors (Exit H). Students walking to the west will exit with bus students (Exit A). Those in the duplexes to the east will exit through the east doors (Exit H) walk south to 21st, east to Flutter, and then north to the Flutter crossing.

*Parents meeting their child walking home should wait by the drive-in gate to the playground on the east side, the west parking lot crosswalk, or the crosswalk at Flutter (on the WES side by the posted sign). Students will meet you there. Please remind your child to walk bikes, scooters, etc…until inside the playground due to traffic or off school grounds.

Late arrivals

If your child arrives after class has begun (8:45 a.m.), please stop by the office and sign your child in.

Releasing students early

If your child must leave school during school hours, a parent/guardian must come to the office to check them out. If anyone besides parent/guardian is to pick up your child, the school must have a signed note, email or phone call authorizing the release to this person. We thank you in advance for your cooperation as this aids in our focus on having a safe school for everyone.

Traffic safety

  • Do not park in the marked Fire Lanes during the school day. Red zones should only be used for emergency vehicles.

  • Wheatland staff are trained and required to supervise arrival and dismissal. Children and parents are expected to follow their instructions. Our goal is to ensure the safety of all. 

  • Refrain from cell phone usage while you are operating your vehicle. Please help us keep everyone safe!