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Kindergarten Information

All-day kindergarten is offered in all Andover elementary schools. If you have questions not addressed in this information, please contact your school or email us at and we'll be glad to help.

Not sure which school your child will attend? Check out our school assignment locator.

Registration requirements for kindergarten

State law requires that a child be 5 years old on or before Aug. 31 to enter kindergarten (and 6 years old on or before Aug. 31 to enter first grade). Kindergarten is not mandatory in the state of Kansas. However, most parents do choose to send age-eligible children to kindergarten. 

To register for kindergarten, you will need the following documents:

  • A copy of the child’s state-certified birth certificate is required. Hospital certificates are not acceptable. Please contact the Vital Statistics department of the state where your child was born if you need to obtain a birth certificate.
  • Proof of Residency that you live within the boundaries of the Andover School District. Proof of residency must be two of the following: housing contract or rental agreement; and a current utility bill with your name and address.
  • Health Assessment Form needs to be signed by a physician showing that the student has had a current physical examination. Kindergarten exams have to be current within 6 months of the first day of school, meaning exams before March 1 are invalid.
  • Proof of Immunization: Immunizations posted to the Kansas Certificate of Immunizations and signed by a physician are preferred. However, any official documentation is acceptable (e.g. physical record, health department record).

Registration timeline

If you have a child who will be in kindergarten this fall, we encourage you to contact your child's school to let them know he or she will be attending. This will allow you to receive communication from the school about key dates and other information. In the spring, you will receive an email with a link to our Intent to Register form. This form formally lets your child's school know he or she will be attending, and allows us to begin collecting important information for the fall. Finally, registration opens July 16 for the 2024-25 school year. You will be asked to double-check information we have on file (including important contact information), submit health records, sign up for transportation (if applicable) and pay fees. We ask that all registration be complete by the first week of August.

School hours

School hours for kindergarten are 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.

Enrollment fees

Total fees for kindergarten are $125. This includes a $100 enrollment/textbook fee and $25 technology fee.

Open house

All elementary schools will host a “Meet Your Teacher Night” in August around the start of school. Look for more communication from your school this summer.

First day of school

Our schools hold a staggered start during the first three days of the school year to allow students an smooth first-day experience and to allow our teachers to better get to know your child.

School supplies

Click here for 2023-24 school supply lists.

Food Service

Food Service accounts are established for all students and a positive balance should be maintained in the account to ensure that your child will have milk and/or lunch. Money can be placed in this account at enrollment, by sending money in an envelope with your child to the school office or by paying online through the district website. When the account balance is low, a notice will be sent home with your student or you will receive an email notification. 

Questions regarding your food service account balance can be directed to Andover Food Service at 316-218-4603.


The administration and staff believe that regular attendance is essential. The best learning takes place when students are present on a daily basis, contributing to the exchange of ideas, and receiving direction under the supervision of a certified staff member.


Kindergarteners have recess each day. Outdoor recess is preferable, but if the weather is prohibitive, recess will be indoors in the classroom. We expect all children to go outdoors for recess, so please dress children appropriately for cold weather. If health conditions necessitate your child remain inside at recess, please call the school nurse to discuss the situation. 


Andover Public Schools has transportation available for all students, provided by First Student beginning the 2024-25 school year. Students who live less than 2.5 miles from their school and choose to ride the bus will be charged a fee. Fees for the 2024-25 school year are $250 per student or a maximum of $750 per family. Because the district receives state aid for transporting students who live 2.5 miles or more from their school, the district will provide free bus transportation for those students.

The transportation director determines bus routes, drivers and time schedules. Bus routes are not usually finalized until a few days before school starts. Any questions regarding busing should be directed to the Andover Transportation Department at 316-218-4621.

Visitors and volunteers

Visitors and volunteers are always welcome at Andover Public Schools. We encourage parents/guardians to become involved in the education of their children.

If volunteering in the classroom, please make arrangements in advance with the teacher to avoid any classroom interruptions. Upon arrival, please sign in at the office and secure a visitor’s badge before proceeding to the classroom. Pre-K children should not accompany a volunteer who is helping during instructional time.

Contact us - Kindergarten information


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